Sunday, May 20, 2012

MERLOT commentary-CEP811

The presentation that I chose to review is an tutorial called "Sacred Stories" authored by the British Library and submitted by Susan Frey.  I chose to review this tutorial because it applies to my field and will be something that I will use in most courses that I run in the future.  This tutorial utilizes Flash to present to the viewer six sacred texts, and myths within those texts, that are narrated and use moving elements applicable to the myth.  This is an important way to present sacred myths, as most of them were created with the intention of being read aloud and the creators of this tutorial have included many small elements that contribute to the authenticity of the myths.

The MERLOT Material Detail can be viewed on the MERLOT site.  And the British Library's "Sacred Stories" tutorial can be enjoyed in its entirety.

Quality of Content:

This tutorial definitely provides valid concepts and models.  The look of the texts seem quite authentic and ancient, lending itself to the proper setting of ancient texts that were collected and printed in books as soon as that convenience was available to humanity.  The stories narrated in the tutorial are presented accurately and without commentary beyond the text itself, leaving the viewer to discern the meaning and application.  Additionally, the tutorial presents myths that are educationally significant as many of them are myths that are expressed within basic courses to give a taste and relate the basic foundation of a particular religion.

Potential Effectiveness as a Teaching-Learning Tool:

When it could be used:  I would use this tutorial in two stages of the learning process, namely "explanation" and "demonstration".  Some of the myths would be appropriate to introduce a particular religion and establish an understanding of some basic concepts, within the "explanation" stage.  In this stage, it is helpful to get a sense of the religion and how it presents concepts and life lessons to its practitioners, through myth, as a means of understanding what the religion deems crucial to its lifestyle.  I would also use this tutorial in the "demonstration" stage, as it can be used to reinforce some dimensions of religions after some basic knowledge has been attained.  The myths can help a learner internalize important symbols, historic events, cultural attributes, and the like, that cannot necessarily be gleaned from merely reading about a myth in a textbook.

Learning objectives:  After they have viewed some of the myths, students should be able to identify some symbols present in the myths, which will serve to deeper the learner's continued exploration of the particular religion.  Also, the learner should be able to use some previously gained knowledge of the religion and apply it to the myth adding depth to their current understanding.  They should also be able to list and describe the most important messages conveyed by the myths.

Characteristics of target learners:  The target learners are those that are formulating an understanding of religions as institutions tasked with the charge of providing a framework for appropriate lifestyle, a collection of sacred texts providing insight and setting the context of the lifestyle, a community of like-minded individuals, a place to perform worship, etc.   The learners need to gather bits of information from a variety of religious sources in order to form a well-rounded understanding of these complex religious institutions.  My classes are comprised of advanced students in high school as well as traditional  and non-traditional college students. 

Presentation of material:  The tutorial does provide students a better understanding of this material than that on a static page through the use of animations, which bring the learner into the environment in which the text was written.  Drawings typical of the era and culture are moving with the narration of the myth helping the setting of the myth to accompany the story, which isn't necessarily picked up by the learner in reading a particular myth off a traditional page.

Integration:  This tutorial can very easily be integrated into the curriculum of all four courses that I run in world religion.  I would not have to alter or explain any elements of the tutorial in terms of content.  It applies directly to our course of study.

Variety of uses for learning goals:  I think this tutorial can be used as an assignment by itself; to be used as the starting point for an in-class discussion or a discussion board online; as a supplement to the regular workload to provide additional insight and context; as well as in class to demonstrate a particular religious ideology.

Identify learning goals:  The teaching and learning goals were not identified in the tutorial itself, however, as a user, ideas for how to promote learning through the use of this tutorial flooded my mind, once I made my first click.

Writing learning assignments:  I believe that I could write many assignments utilizing this tutorial for content.  The animations are very pleasing to the eye, the instructions are clear and the narration is articulated well.  I wouldn't have to give too much description to students on how to use the tutorial and could focus all instructions on how to carry out the assignment itself.  I could ask learners to focus on culture, symbols, circumstance, characters, plot, etc., meaning that many kinds of assignments could be built around this tutorial.

Ease of Use:
The instructions are minimal, but absolutely sufficient, which is important as to not complicate the activity.  The user does not get trapped in the material and has complete control over all movements throughout it.  If the reader gets "lost" in the material, it is only from getting very involved with the content, not because the system of the tutorial leads the learner through a labyrinth of button paths.  The tutorial is flexible as students can easily jump from one text to another and one myth to another with one click.  As stated above, the instructions are two sentences and adequate, so there is little chance that any documentation, technical support or instruction will be required by the instructor for students to successfully navigate this tutorial.  The material presented is familiar to students because some general knowledge has been obtained regarding these religious texts prior to an assignment being required.  It is presented in an attractive way because the animations give context to the myth itself.