Saturday, June 2, 2012

CEP 811 - UDL Guidelines Checklist

I have used my lesson plan titled "Defining 'Myth' in the Academic Study of Religion" as the platform for incorporating the UDL Guidelines and have written notes in this Google Doc, as to which guidelines are already present in this lesson, which guidelines I hope to incorporate, and which cannot be included. 

I found that many of the UDL guidelines to occur naturally in the lesson, which was was a pleasant discovery.  I plan to include as many of the guidelines that didn't surface in my lesson plan, as I can by retro fitting the lesson.  I think it is important to conduct such analysis of lessons, so that instructors keep these design elements in mind as they move forward and progress.  The more I use the UDL Guidelines, the more naturally they will manifest in my lessons without struggle, which will benefit all the learners I encounter.

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