Friday, April 27, 2012

Personal Learning Reflection

I have learned that there are many more people out there that feel the same way as I do about technology in our curriculum.  This alone was worth the experience of taking CEP 810.  Aside from that, I have learned many specific technologies and have envisioned how I will use them in my classes.  I have a list going with ideas on how to create lessons using technologies I was introduced to in this course.  The idea that there is a proper tool for every job, has been reinforced throughout this course and I will continue on my path of finding appropriate technologies for lessons in order to create meaningful assignments that will build students’ 21st century skills.

Both my campus and online sections have always integrated the internet, but this course has taught me to not fear going beyond my basic uses.  I will certainly be more creative in my uses going forward, especially in assignments that require shared documents and collaboration.  Throughout this semester, I have realized that I would like to execute more collaboration outside the classroom, not just in group work on campus.

The assignment that I feel exemplifies good teaching with technology was the SIG Presentation.  As a student, I learned a good deal from this experience.  I gained some knowledge about Learning Management Systems, including situations that inhibit student learning using an LMS, which was valuable, but also, I learned that collaboration outside the classroom, never having sat in a room with three other teammates, could still produce a desired product.  The process of the four of us working on a single project, having never met in person, was a learning experience that I will transfer to my students.  It exemplified the fact that technology can be educational, even when the teacher does not have her hands in the project.  That assignment gave practical experience, not just information.  That is good teaching.

It is funny, when I went back to review my Personal Growth Plan in order to write this assignment, I specifically listed blogs and RSS feeds as some technologies that I wanted to become fluent in, so that I could lead students down this path as well.  It is funny because blogs and RSS feeds seem like the most basic of technologies that I have learned in this course.  That is one goal I have definitely met.  Also, I wanted to become more fluent in educational technologies in general so that I could help students to practice what they will need to know for their future, namely 21st century skills.  Through my own struggles through some technologies, I have also felt I met this goal, but feel that I have to keep learning more.  I have used not only blogs and RSS feeds, but Diigo, Google Docs, Prezi, and Popplet, but I have been introduced to many other technologies that I will pursue in order to meet my goals.

I have some new specific goals, but my overall mission has not changed.  I want to become fluent in technologies so that I can provide my students with the experience of developing 21st century skills while learning about world religions.  And, I want to be rid of the Learning Management System forever.  But, I have made some smaller goals to help me reach the grand goals.  I’m going to finish the MAET Certificate Program at Michigan State University, which will certainly prove beneficial.  I’m hoping to deepen my knowledge of educational technologies while at the same time applying what I have learned in my courses.  My specific goals are to test some of the new assignments using technologies that I have recently learned and that are on my ever growing list of “assignment ideas”.  I think as I begin using these technologies in practical ways, I will gain a deeper understanding of how to grow myself.

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