Sunday, October 21, 2012

GLP Part B - Storyboard and Script

My group is Group 4.  The members include Ariel, Charlene, Suzanne and myself.  I am happy to say that we have created a Script and a Storyboard in preparation of our final Group Leadership Project presentation.  I could sing the praises of the members of my group as each and every one has been present for group meetings, has contributed to our numerous Google Docs, commented throughout the process, indicated when ideas were "too much", or when we needed "more", and brought their wonderful sense of humor.  This assignment doesn't require such discourse, so I will just say that our group meshed very well.

As a group, we tried to organize ourselves by our strengths, experience as well as our desire to learn.  We each expressed the areas that we felt strong in and areas in we would like to grow.  This complex mixture of expertise and desire to work with the unknown, landed us in various roles to offer advice to each other, learn from each other, and just plain 'ole experiment with elements of our project that some have never worked with at all.  We broke our project into two phases:  the prep phase and the execution phase.  Ariel and I were tasked with the prep phase.  Ariel's concentration was to be on the Script and my concentration was to be on the Storyboarding.  Having said that, it is almost impossible to work on these elements in isolation, so it wound up that we both worked on both elements together as it became evident that the Script and Storyboard are really interdependent.  Keep in mind, that nothing was finalized without the input from Charlene and Suzanne, who were certainly contributing to the framework and details of both elements.  Alas, both the Script and Storyboard are complete and ready to view.

As we go forward, Charlene and Suzanne will be at the helm as they are going to drive the execution boat.  Charlene will record our tutorial, which is really three mini tutorials, in Jing, of course based on the Script and Storyboard.  She will record an introductory tutorial of about three minutes in length; another tutorial of about three minutes in length showing how to create a Google account; as well as a final tutorial, of about five minutes in length, illustrating how to commence and record a Google Hangout.  Once that is complete, Suzanne will edit the tutorial into a refined work of art, adding transitions, sounds, and the like where appropriate.  Again, all members of the group will be available to contribute ideas, commentary and the sometimes needed humor, while the second phase of our project is being created.  We have even toyed with the idea of all of being present in the tutorial video as "invitees" of a Google Hangout.  I'm looking forward to seeing the project come alive...moving from words on a page to a narrated video.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your group was meant to work together! I am honestly jealous of your task management and execution. It sounds like you all have organized this very well and that your ideas mesh very well together. I look forward to watching and listening to the final presentation. Good luck with the final project creation and polishing!
