Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Part B - Application of TPACK

1.  TP(Technology/Pedagogy)
My WPP uses a website technology, Weebly, in order to serve as a resource that can be accessed by students as needed throughout the semester.  I've chosen a website as the platform for this resource because it will always be accessible at any time, day or night, and believe me, many students work well into the night when I am sleeping soundly.  This technology is familiar to them as the Weebly sites provide intuitive functions because they are constructed like many websites on the internet.  Students will understand how to navigate through the website without any lessons on how to use the technology.  My pedagogy for this particular project is to approach the topic of plagiarism as an academic unit by providing a formal setting for the information and also to give students a person to consult with on the topic, leaving it open for discussion throughout the semester.  This information is not part of my core curriculum as I am a teacher of world religions, so I cannot justify taking a portion of our semester to cover this topic as a unit in our class.  It must be something that the students work on outside of our class.  My intent is to empower students to develop their knowledge and understanding of plagiarism and to use this knowledge, not only in their current class with me, but in their future courses in college, as well as in the workplace and anytime that this knowledge is needed in life.   It will absolutely impact each and every assignment submitted by a student in my class as writing is required in two assignments each week in my online courses.  This information can make or break a student.  If plagiarism is committed, they will receive a zero for the first assignment and be removed from the course, with an "E"as a final grade, on the second offense.  I therefore, need a technological tool that is easily used by students and accessible, without intervention from me, that will guide them on how to avoid plagiarism, reducing the number of students faced with the undesirable consequences of engaging in plagiarism.  I will, of course, stress to students that I am available to discuss plagiarism and and answer questions, however, I need this tool to inform, provide specific instructions, give practice and then provide students the ability to assess their own knowledge.  The Weebly blends technology and pedagogy seamlessly.

2.  TC(Technology/Content)
The Weebly is a way that students can access the material related to plagiarism on whatever level is needed at the time of encountering the Weebly.  Some students don't know the definition of plagiarism, at all.  Some have a vague idea about plagiarism, but don't know how and when to apply the rules of proper citation.  Some students know about plagiarism, but don't understand how proper citation plays into the picture.  What most students seem to be lacking, is the knowledge of copyright and ownership of "words", which is the whole reason plagiarism is illegal and why proper citation methods exist in the first place.  Therefore, the Weebly meets the student at the point in which the student needs to be met.  A student can access the materials that she needs without having to work through the subject matter that is already known by that student.  If a student only needs to confirm the mechanics of a style of citation, such as APA, then he can just access that information.  If a students needs to understand the definition of plagiarism, then she can read through that portion of the material on the Weebly.  The Weebly will provide comprehensive coverage of the topic of plagiarism and the student can use the portions of the topic that serves her, specifically.  And, because the Weebly never sleeps, unlike the instructor, the student can find the information needed at the time that it is going to be used, which fosters learning and retention.  The student can access the material and apply it immediately as the student is working because the Weeby will be up and running as long as the student has an internet connection.  On the Weebly, one will be able to become educated, interact with the tutorials, assess and test one's knowledge of the topic, and have access to my contact information if questions linger or clarification is needed.  The Weebly technology will comprehensively present the content in a way that just one instructor can't.  Email, the LMS, a Google Hangout, or telephone call cannot provide students a thorough encounter with plagiarism like the Weebly plagiarism site can.

3.  PC(Pedagogy/Content)
I would like to erase the confusion associated with plagiarism, as the confusion seams to cause a fear of plagiarism, which ironically seems to generate more instances of plagiarism.  My pedagogical approach for this project is to present the topic of plagiarism as an academic unit, explain why plagiarism needs to be avoided, and also give the student the opportunity to consult with me regarding plagiarism.  Through the use of the Weebly site, plagiarism will become a topic that causes less confusion and fear in students.  The content will be presented to students in a way that educates them on copyright and authorship and distinctly illustrates proper citation methods.  Receiving the material in a compartmentalized platform that covers the content from the very roots all the way to the applied practice, will serve to enmesh the pedagogy and the content.  The student will find that the content is reliable in every sense of the word.  The content is directly pertinent to the success of the student, not just in the student's current class, but in all classes, and all throughout life.  Also, the student will find that the content is available when the student needs it, even potentially after the course with me has come to a close.  Also, the content is already curated, meaning the student is not going to have to conduct an independent internet search, which may result in mixed messages, scattered information, information that is not detailed enough, and information from sources that are less than sound.  Most importantly, the student can rely on the fact that the newly obtained understanding of plagiarism is correct.  The student will learn the definition of plagiarism, the foundation of it, or copyright, how to avoid the consequences of engaging in plagiarism, as well as assess one's own understanding of the topic.  The pedagogical goal is to give the students a well rounded study of plagiarism, similar to the experience one would gain in an English class.  When students can learn the material needed in order to avoid plagiarism and then assess their own understanding of this topic, then the goal has been met.  As long as real learning is occurring, students are becoming empowered to observe the rules of copyright, avoiding plagiarism and feeling they can consult with me to develop their skills in this area, then the pedagogical and content goals of this teacher, will be satisfied...alas.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy,

    I really enjoyed reading your TPACK evaluation. I loved how thoughtful and detailed you were. It sounds like the Weebly is going to be a great success, especially with such a serious topic like plagiarism. I am interested in seeing how your implementation goes! Nice job!
